World Forum on Theology and Liberation

|For Another Possible World

|Para otro mundo posible

El Foro mundial de Teología y Liberación (FMTL) es un espacio de convergencia, encuentro e intercambio con teologías, teólogos y teólogas de todo el mundo que se comprometen con el principio de la liberación en sus contextos personales, regionales e internacionales. Su identidad se manifiesta en su producción: intercambios, debates, publicaciones, espacios espirituales y artísticos alineados con sus ejes temáticos y principios.

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Our history

Our governance consists of an ecumenical network of twenty-six theologians from different regions of the world who permanently accompany the organization of the WFTL through exchanges of communication and discussions.

Our committees

In January 2003, during the third edition of the World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, in a meeting between theologians, the idea arose of carrying out an activity on Liberation Theology in the programming of the World Social Forum. In July of the same year, during the Conference “Christianity and Society in Latin America” held at PUC in São Paulo, there was a meeting with representatives of the organizations that had promoted this conference to discuss the idea.

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